Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gettin' Jiggy With It

So I guess, before going into the contest and what I'm going to try working on during the course of it, I should provide a little bit of background about where I am at healthwise.

I have pretty much been overweight, actually obese, all my life and I come from a family that has a history of overweight people. Because of my weight, I can't even run for more than 7 seconds without heaving and hack my lungs out. In short, I am at horrible level of physical fitness. However, this is something that, as of recently, I have begun to change... and this contest couldn't have come at a more perfect time to help aid my weightloss goals.

When I first saw this contest I thought it was going to be a "to good to be true" type of thing... losing weight to win stuff, sounded kinda fishy... but, that skepticism has now worn off and I am glad to say that I am looking forward to going into this contest with both guns blazing!

My long time goals are to weigh around 175-180 pounds (a pretty good weight for my height at about 6' 3"), to be able to run 3 miles (outdoors) without stopping, to be able to do 20 one-handed push-ups, and lastly to be able to see my toes without craning my neck out 2 feet. I know I won't accomplish any of these goals in a month, but I think that this contest will really help to jumpstart my efforts. Whether I win or not is irrelevent if it helps me to live better for the rest of my life!

My plans, or mini-goals, for the duration of this contest are primarily focused in three areas: nutrition, exercise, and information. My mini-goal for nutrition is to set a reduced calorie intake for myself each day, as well as eating foods that will help me to actually eat meals that are nutritionally balenced. My mini-goals for exercise are to work out 3 times a week at the gym doing cardio workouts and some minor weight lifting, along with flexibility streches and exercises. My main information mini-goal is to read at least one article about nutrition a day, and to then apply it, as best as I can, to the meals that I am eating.

Well I guess that about sums everything up! Since the contest officially begins on the 1st, I am going to wait until then to post my official weight here on my blog. This is because I haven't weighed yet, and I'm going to wait until first thing on Sunday morning to do so. I will also be keeping records of most everything I am doing with either photos or video! Well, good luck everyone, and I am really glad to be a part of this, thanks Caleb for having such an awesome idea!

Oh, and if you found this blog and have no clue what I am talking about, follow the link below to have any of your questions about the contest answered!

1 comment:

  1. Paul - Welcome to the Fit in Feb Dev Challenge! Good luck!
